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Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第1张  | SEO破解工具

做为一款极度知名的英文SEO外链轰炸工具, Scrape Box,常被简称为SB(苦逼的孩纸),一向以他的简洁和强大闻名于英文SEO优化界.由于软件采用本地+网络端验证的加密方式,之前的很多破解版都无法维持正常稳定的使用.这款最新版的Scrape Box 1.16.3是经过使用最稳定的全功能版,而且不同于之前的1.15.70版本,这款还内置了全套的商业插件,并且全部可用!


“如果你需要更多的时间,更多的外链,更多的收入,那么就使用Scrape Box吧!”

俗话说时间就是金钱,我们虽然不能让一天变成25个小时,但是如果可以在一个小时之内做两个小时的事情,那最终的效果也是一样的.对于广大从事英文网站优化的童鞋们来说,每天都是从事重复性的工作,时间久了,自然觉得没有意思.如果有一个不知疲倦的机器人可以替你完成那些必须的工作,那就爽爆了.不错,Scrape Box正式这样一个好同志.官方的口号就是下面这四个词,简单的意思就是:搜刮,检查,Ping一下,使劲儿发…

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第3张  | SEO破解工具

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第5张  | SEO破解工具

英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具Scrape Box 1.16.3是一款全面的搜刮解决工具!

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第6张  | SEO破解工具

使用英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具Scrape Box 1.16.3将不再需要不断通过谷歌雅虎,必应等搜索引擎寻找你需要的目标网址,软件会自动帮你完成这些工作,你所要做的仅仅是提供一些你想要使用的关键词即可,这个相信你总有吧?

通过内置的Footprints网站指纹技术,Scrape Box可以搜索包括但不限于 WordPress , Movable Type blog posts等在内的链接,由于是根据你的关键词进行搜索的,所以链接的相关度很高. 除了用户发布信息之外,这些资源还可以用来进行竞争对手分析,网站内容采集等.

什么,你不需要Wordpress 和 Movable Type类型的 URL’s? 没问题,作为一款人性化到灭绝人性的工具,Scrape Box当然支持你使用自己的搜索模式,比如用你自己编写的Footprints,进行搜刮资源,并且将这些搜刮习惯存储起来,便于你下次使用.

比如,你喜欢使用site:.gov 这样的语法来搜索高权重的政府类网站,那么ScrapeBox 将会自动搜索已经被谷歌索引的2亿4千万政府网站(费官方数据),并且将结果存储起来.或者你也可以搜索 site:yourdomain.com 用于搜索到那些已经收录你网站的链接,也就是俗称的外链,并将这些链接存起来,就成了你的外链库了.


使用定制的搜索引擎,让Scrape Box 1.16.3搜索更精准!

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第8张  | SEO破解工具

训练模式.和其他几款类似的工具一样,Scrape Box也支持训练模式,也可以理解为自定义模式.

Scrape Box本身已经内置了目前所有主流的搜索引擎在内,不过你还可以添加更多的进去,比如度娘,360等等,让搜索结果更加丰富,有针对性.尤其是一些地区性的多语言搜索引擎,有时候会起到意想不到的作用.


另外,你自定义的这些引擎,还可以导出为Scrape Box专用的文件,在别的电脑上导入,方便将配置文件随身携带,不用反复配置.


这里顺便提一下,我们国内的小白们,除了谷歌,雅虎,必应这个几个主流的搜索引擎,就不知道什么其他的在英文SEO优化中可以用到的搜索引擎了,实际上,不同于国内百度一家独大,国外除了老大哥的谷歌之外,还有很多,比如 Lycos, Ask, Blekko, Excite, Rambler, IXQuick, TalkTalk, DogPile,DuckDuckGo,等等等等,还有一些方兴未艾的SNS站点,如 YouTube,非死不可(Facebook),推特等,也可以作为平时信息搜集的来源.

毫无疑问,Scrape Box 1.16.3内置强大的代理功能.

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第10张  | SEO破解工具


ScrapeBox 支持的代理模式十分灵活.我们既可以想其他工具那样,使用自己的的列表,导入到ScrapeBox直接使用,也可以将含有代理的网页网址添加到ScrapeBox 里面,让他自己去一页页爬,搜刮代理.


如果你有私有代理(Private Proxy,相对于Public Proxy),不论是买来的还是自己搭建的,都是比较好的选择,ScrapeBox也一样支持私有代理你只需要在ScrapeBox 中配置好这些代理的用户名和密码即可.

在执行任务之前,强烈建议使用ScrapeBox 内置的代理验证工具,将所有的代理验证之后再开始使用,否则大量的无效代理会严重拖慢程序执行的效率和成功率.


URL Collection, List Management!

No more messing around managing URL lists!

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第12张  | SEO破解工具

Convenient list management, you can Import and Export lists then filter out duplicates, which works on email lists also. You can trim your list of subpages down to the root “www.domain.com” version, you can also bulk check the Pagerank of domains and subpages through proxies to prevent being blocked. ScrapeBox will also let you export your URL’s complete with Pagerank, this is great for keeping a record of the Pagerank for every page on your site. When Google updates Pagerank again, you can compare your lists to see which pages have risen.

Found a High Pagerank Blog? You can harvest every page on the blog with the harvester and then check the Pagerank of every page.. This way, you will know the posts that have the highest PR and you can comment on them to receive high quality backlinks!

Ping Mode, Send Referrers and Hits!

Send Hits to Referrer Logs

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第14张  | SEO破解工具

Ping Mode allows you to send referrer hits through proxies and leave your domain as the referrer. This is extremely useful if you want your domain to show up in the referral logs of other sites, the recent visits widgets on sites, artificially increase your traffic to show affiliate programs and many other uses such as drive up “views” on your articles so they appear on most popular lists and receive more exposure.

You can ping a list of sites with as many URL’s as you wish, this all runs through proxies to appear like the target page is receiving traffic from all over the world. This is great for getting exposure, traffic and links!

Auto Comment to WordPress, Movable Type and BlogEngine!

Blog Commenting at the Press of a Button!

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第16张  | SEO破解工具

Blog Commenting has never been easier, you can make thousands of blog comments in minutes. Have you ever wanted to populate your blog with comments so it appears more popular? Nobody wants to comment on a lifeless blog, so you can add a ton of comments to all your blogs to simulate conversation from real visitors. This is also a great way to get unique content on your pages if you are republishing duplicate articles, or if you are importing Affiliate Data Feeds from places like Ebay and Amazon. As we all know, duplicate content that’s also found on authoritative domains is harder to rank in the search engines and receive traffic to. Now you can mix some unique content in your pages by populating your comments area!

Are you in desperate need of backlinks? The ScrapeBox blog commenter doesn’t just post on your own blogs, you can post comments on your friends WordPress, Movable Type or BlogEngine blogs at the click of a button. With the Harvester component in ScrapeBox, you can use the built-in search footprints (or your own custom ones) to find thousand of blog posts in Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL that are directly related to your niche and keywords. ScrapeBox can then post to all these blogs at the click of a button. This will help boost your exposure in all the search engines, receive a higher Pagerank and send a flood of traffic to your sites from readers of the thousands of blogs clicking your link in the comments.

New: Also just added in a recent update is “Spinnable” comments and anchor text. You can add multiple comments, plus add replacement tokens to any of the text in your comments. For example, this is a {good|great} feature, ScrapeBox will randomly select “Good” or “Great” when each comment is made, this enables you to write just “one” comment in one of the various article spinning tools and have thousands of unique comments posted by ScrapeBox automatically. You can even do this with your backlink anchor text, to ensure you get maximum diversity in your backlink profile! ScrapeBox is a seriously powerful blog commenting software.

Built in Proxy Verifier!

Proxy List Checking and Filtering

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第18张  | SEO破解工具

Verify Proxies all in the one tool, if you have a list of proxies and you don’t know if they are Dead or Alive you can easily filter the dead ones leaving you with a fully functioning list.

This feature is ideal for cleaning up large proxy lists found online, so you can start harvesting, pinging and posting quickly. Simply import your list, click Yes for the optional scan and ScrapeBox will check your whole list and automatically filter the dead proxies so you can either export the clean list back out or start harvesting and posting.

ScrapeBox can also harvest proxies from various websites, so you can add the URL’s of your favorite proxy websites and ScrapeBox will visit these and fetch the published proxies, test them for working proxies and save the good proxies. You can even add a custom proxy test, so you can test if proxies are working for FaceBook, Twitter or any other site you choose. So no more wasting time with other third party tools just to verify you have working proxies to use!

Powerful RSS Submissions!

Submit all your RSS Feeds at the Click of a Button!

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第20张  | SEO破解工具

ScrapeBox has an RSS Submission module which allows you to send Pings to dozens of RSS Services at the click of a button! Best of all you are not restricted to the places you submit to, never worry about services going “dead” and never be limited by the services you submit to.. It’s all fully user editable just by pasting in the Feed Services URL, or deleting a service if they should no longer work in the future. Did you just update your 20 blogs? No problems just add the feed URL for all your blogs, and click the Submit button. ScrapeBox will submit your first blog to the whole list of services, then move on to your second blog and so on submitting them all.. With one click, while you have your morning coffee!

Does matter if you want to submit Blogs, Social Networking Profiles like Digg, your latest Squidoo or HubPage if you have an RSS URL then you can submit the feed to have bots crawling all over your new content and links.

Mass Trackback Poster

50 Trackbacks in 4 Seconds Flat.. Say What?

Scrape Box 1.16.3-英文SEO外链搜刮发布工具特别版带全部商业插件 - 第22张  | SEO破解工具

Trackbackposting has never been so fast.. and so easy! With ScrapeBox you can post 100’s of Trackbacks per minute, it’s TOTALLY brutal to blogs! Just click a few buttons and harvest a list of blogs with ScrapeBox’s built-in Harvester..
Send them to the Mass TrackBack Poster, load your website backlink file and your Trackback comment then blast away! Not only can you get back links to your sites, you can also drive tons of targeted traffic by having your Trackbacks listed directly under articles on high traffic blogs. Literally steal other blogs traffic!




